Matthias Koban (known as Rajnar) was the Mayor from 1901 to 1906 and accommodated the municipal chancellery in his house. He remained a municipal councillor until 1920 and was the chairman of the bank Slowenische Spar- und Darlehenskasse founded in 1901 (in 1902, the Raiffeisenkasse was founded, the premises at the time being in the inn owned by Philipp Pinteritsch and his family). For many years, Andrej Anderwald (known as Ožl) was the secretary of the Edinost society. After war broke out in 1939, he was conscripted. In April 1942, his family was forced to leave the area and their property was seized without compensation. As a soldier of the Wehrmacht armed forces, Anderwald was taken as a prisoner of war. After his return, he was once again involved in the Edinost cultural society and in the Bäuerliche Wirtschaftsgenossenschaft (Agricultural Industrial and Provident Society) of Schiefling, founded in 1949.